Jun 14Liked by subtlecain

Along with the ambiguity increasing coming from the outside, we have the problem of people with itching ears, preferring to hear only what they wish to hear from their inside. Pride disallows, objective observation.

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Confirmation bias is something we all need to be aware of in our lives. If we don’t approach life with the requisite humility and charitable intentions, we open ourselves up to allowing our preconceived notions to deafen us to the truth.

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Jun 6Liked by subtlecain

Stay calm, cool and collected, don’t get side tracked by all the shiny objects. Focus on staying strong and healthy, praying (meditating), and getting plenty of rest and sleep. Keep optimism alive in heart and mind, what are the other choices? Keep in mind, they are still the Minority even when they psyop you into thinking otherwise.

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I sometimes plead with God to be merciful to humans, reminding Him how many ideas people are continually bombarded with. I sometimes have a hard time sorting things out, even with my solid foundation in the scriptures, and I don’t know how people without a biblical foundation can ever find their way to God or figure out what’s going on with all the competing religions and ideas swirling around everywhere.

We definitely do see biblical prophesies coming true. Things are getting worse and worse. Men are lovers of themselves more than lovers of God.

It certainly appears that the last days may be coming soon. Judgement day is approaching…


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Quite silent and semi secret, yet not very subtle actions engaged by narcissistic arrogant self righteous greed driven psychopathic control freaks, building up toward very destructive outcomes step by step as per their long term plans. The ultra rich oligarch groups pursue the overthrow of the human race. Though the majority of people are somewhat aware of sociotal changes, they have no background and historical understanding of the mindset and agendas afoot. With the public choosing to remain unaware, they are avoiding to see that the dark glass even exists at all. Wilful ignorance to ignore and avoid unpleasant upsetting thoughts, as though not seeing the evil plots would make them ineffective and non existent. The very disappointing public avoidance of responsibility and awareness brings on their own demise. Good luck folks, you'll need it.

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