Interesting and sobering thoughts. This is not the world the way God planned it.

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With nano particles of aluminum and barium sprayed almost daily for us to breathe in, with EMF radiation polluting our environment, with Roundup in many of our foods, and fluoride in our water... a perfect mix of mind numbing toxins surround us. Look up Doctor Reinhart Klinghardt who's 20 years of research prove those materials carry severe consequences to our brain, especially the pineal gland in our brain. We are being POISONED!!!

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Doubtless, there are myriad toxins and and hazardous elements that we are exposed to on a daily basis in our modern life. There are many things we can each do to live as healthy a life as possible. One thing we can do is choose not to be anxious and stressed out about it. Stress and anxiety make our bodies rather unhealthy, without all the external sources of mayhem. As my friend Frode says, there's a balance to be had. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate the engagement. Have a blessed day.

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