My name is Aaron Smith and I have been hosting The subtlecain Podcast for just over a year now. I have been encouraged by the amount of support and interest people have shown in the work that I am trying to do. This has inspired me to expand on these efforts by investing time and energy into this next endeavor.
What is it that I am trying to accomplish and why should you care? I am dedicated to the pursuit of Truth. There are many obstructions to Truth that we face as a society, especially the censorship and suppression of free-speech. The myriad narratives that are being thrust upon us have eroded any meaningful faith in legacy media. Social media and Big Tech have worked diligently and unethically to promote corporate collusion with governmental bodies all over the world. It is incumbent upon us, as Truth-seekers, to provide alternative views and foster a community where disagreement is not seen as a bad thing, but rather a mechanism for sifting and winnowing through the evidence to filter out bias.
My intention is not to provide you with answers, but to ask questions, inspire curiosity, and present evidence for arguments that I, and guests of mine will offer. I expect to be held to account when I get things wrong. I encourage you all to challenge the narratives you are presented with, as well as your own preconceived notions. We all have a susceptibility to confirmation bias. We all have a hard time admitting when we are wrong, especially when it is a topic which we are emotionally attached to. Truth is not ambivalent, though our interpretation of it is. Courage and conviction are difficult to come by in a society so concerned with acceptance and a distorted view of tolerance.
I will be releasing posts on a biweekly basis and will feature podcast episodes of interviews and monologues as well. I believe that each and every person has intrinsic value, endowed by our Creator. There are many individuals in positions of power and influence who believe us to be nothing more than cogs in a wheel. They believe human life is always disposable in the pursuit of idealistic, utopian dreams. If we remain silent or apathetic, we will see a rise in totalitarianism like no other in history.
I ask for your trust, not your allegiance. I ask for honesty, not for compliance. I ask for a chance to engage you in the arena of ideas.
You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy.
God bless and Goodnight