We live in an increasingly technocratic society, characterized by a dystopian reliance upon specialization and centralization. This means that each individual must cede more and more of their autonomy and delegate the mechanisms of their survival to a smaller and smaller number of people known as the “Experts” or “Technicians”. More recently, under the guise of “AI”, technocrats are able to further project an illusion of objectivity while implementing their agendas. This dissipation of personal responsibility not only divests us from a sense of ownership and obligation to our fellow man, but it creates a positive feedback loop, wherein we compartmentalize our personal lives and lose all true sense of community and self.
This is only amplified by a culture so affluent and comfortable that they live their lives in dopamine-chasing fever dreams. As Neil Postman so aptly said, we are “amusing ourselves to death”. The trauma-based entertainment we call “news” keeps us in a state of fear, shutting down our higher brain function and causing us to be more emotionally driven than rational. The endless doom scrolling nudges us in ways we cannot consciously see. We think we are too informed and too awake to fall for the psychological operations, because we fine-tune our algorithms to show us what we want to see, not realizing that the very tools we believe are setting us free are reigning us in.
The foods we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe is being poisoned. We’ve accepted a model of health that insists our bodies are incapable of healing themselves, and so we must inject and ingest petrochemicals to survive. The whole time being unaware, or unwilling to be aware of the irony of it all.
We abdicate our rights to a small group of people who literally tell us time and again that they believe we are a cancer on the planet. We hand over a large portion of our income to people who despise us and abuse their authority with abandon. Their playbook doesn’t really change, just the messaging and the terminology. In essence, they are anti-human. They hate procreation and creativity, spontaneity and liberty, peace and prosperity.
Is it any wonder that the youth of our nation don’t know who they are? Is it any wonder that people have no hope and don’t want to bring children into this world? Climate Change Neo-Malthusians peddle apocalyptic feature films, while flying around in private jets. Mobile abortion and vasectomy clinics are featured at major political rallies, and this is sold as a virtuous display of human rights. Diversity, equity and inclusion are words used to divide, compartmentalize, and polarize populations. This results in people self-organizing into a hierarchy of oppression and seeing every difference amongst them as a potential foothold for grievance, rather than bringing them together in a shared vision of mutually beneficial harmony.
Nature is a beautiful song that is being sung by its Creator. The wonderful symphony of biodiversity is being hollowed out and inverted by massive monocultures. The complex and symbiotic harmony of the two sexes is being tortured and mutilated into the barren wasteland of gender ideology. The sense of awe is being replaced with a sense of nihilistic apathy. Many of us see the Satanic Inversion and Perversion of the Principalities and Powers of the Air. Every good thing is being cast aside and every virtue being denounced as evil. The lexicon is being continually altered to fit narratives at an alarming rate.
Those of us who still want to see the sun and feel its warmth on our faces, who want to hear the laughter of children, need to be intentional in our lives. I know that it is tempting to get caught up in all the ways we have been lied to, in all the ways we have been cheated and scorned. It’s hard not to travel down the various rabbit holes. At times, it’s necessary to sift and winnow through the cornucopia of contradictions we are presented with. I share that passion. It’s much more important that we do not allow ourselves to be consumed by it all. Every second that is spent down a rabbit hole is one that could be spent actively engaged in the world around you. I’m not asking anyone to stop seeking truth. My only intention is to remind all of us that the very tools we use to resist the system can be the shackles which prevent us from changing it.
I don’t put my faith in any movement. I love that there are so many people out there who are seeing the shadows on the wall of the cave for what they are. I love that there are online communities that allow the free exchange of ideas. I love that we can network with people across the globe and share insight and stories of victory over tyranny. It truly encourages me to see the growing number of people who are rejecting the programming they’ve been given.
It is not enough to be against something. One must be for something, otherwise it is just vanity and grasping for the wind. I don’t know what drives you each as individuals. I can say without reservation that it is my faith in Jesus Christ that grants me a hope that transcends the trends. Maybe you share my faith, maybe not. In any event, I am compelled to spread the Good News that we are not alone in the universe. We have a God that is relational and loved us so much that He became on of us. He suffered and died for us. This life is but a blink of the eye compared to eternity.
People are starting to awake to the fact that the material world is itself a veil of shadows. People are realizing that this can’t be all there is and that there is a battle going on between good and evil. Good and evil are not social constructions which allow us to evolve as a species as some would have you believe. They are more real than the chair I’m sitting in to write this. You can see it and feel it. I know you can. The battle is palpable and present. All of us must pick a side. All of us must acknowledge that “the line between good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being”, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book, The Gulag Archipelago. We must not, no matter the temptation, see ourselves as “The Good Guys”. We must recognize that we are not only part of the solution, but that we are all also part of the problem. We must approach this life with fear and trembling before an Almighty God. We must have the requisite humility that our personal failures and faults demand of us. We must know that we are not the source of hope, but that we can share the source of hope. We are not flawless, but we are forgiven.
I hope this missive finds you joyful and renewed. I know that there are many distractions and devastating events on display each and every day at the touch of a finger. Do not despair. Don’t give in to the temptation to throw up your hands in defeat and muddle along in quiet desperation. Don’t let the carnival of chaos steal your hope. There are things in this life that are good and worthy of your time and energy. I’m not asking you to ignore the rabbit holes all together. I’m just trying to make the point that there’s not as much difference between putting your head in the sand like an ostrich and putting your head in a rabbit hole as we would like to believe.
That felt very validating to read. Beautifully written. I'm envious of your ability.
Even though I'm not Christisn, I found it uplifting that differing beliefs can still arrive at the same basic truth about love and creation.
Subscribed brother.
It’s even worse, sad to say. People who claim to be followers of God are distorting His Word, using names and bits of information and coming out with “Bible entertainment” that isn’t just innocent fiction, but it sucks people in, making them think and believe things about God and His Word that are patently false. They are being deceived by watching what they think is wholesome entertainment.
Two nights ago, I visited a friend. Her Bible was on the table and she mentioned her Thursday Bible study. I asked what they are studying now. Matthew. She then went on to explain that Matthew is her favorite apostle. She thinks he had ADHD (which her son and grandson seem to have). I said I would never have gotten that idea from reading the Bible and asked what made her think that. She replied, “I saw it,” and then seemed to correct herself and said, “I read it.”
Just the day before, I had watched this video, so I sent it to her. I suspect the topic addressed had something to do with what she said.
A book along similar lines is Showtime for the Sheep by T. A. McMahon.
A book I read a few years ago, Law Without Authority or Limits: Kelsen’s Dilemma by Daniel Gruber, came to mind while reading your thoughts.
I am finding my desire for God’s Word increasing as the world gets crazier. I can’t imagine living life without an anchor.